65 Things I Realized About Life: From the Perspective of A Middle-Class White Girl

As an average 20-year-old white girl, I’ve learned many things living in this middle-class life I call my own. Here are just a number of things I have realized so far into this life I’m livin’.

1.) Jack in the Box buttermilk ranch only tastes good with other Jack in the Box items. (Try it with ANYTHING else, seriously, it even makes carrots taste odd.)


2.) Life is expensive.

3.) Most strippers are educated women that can hold good conversation.

4.) The secret to a good relationship is to love yourself first (Sounds cliché and stupid, but it’s really true. How is someone supposed to love you if you don’t even love you?)


5.) El Pollo Loco avocado salsa is the most delicious salsa to exist on this planet. Don’t try to convince me otherwise, you’ll just be wasting time.

6.) Los Angeles mexican food < San Diego mexican food

7.) Get up early, take a shower, and begin your day. Every. single. day. Be productive! Except if your sick. Or on your period.  Then f*ck that.


8.) Any restaurant that utilizes mason jars in place of normal cups is an OK restaurant in my book. 🙂

9.) The Dr. Phil show is fascinating, Especially when recovering from your Mirena implant


10.) If you do nice things for people and you keep getting shit on, keep doing nice things, because one day it will pay off. (But don’t let people take advantage of you, either!)

11.) The “paper chase” in this world is way too evil. People will knock you down, then kick you while you’re down to make dat money.

12.) Lean on your vices in a time of need. Did you catch your boo cheating on you with your best friend? Do you literally HAVE to face that whole blunt right now? It’s okay, we understand. And even if we don’t, who cares?

13.) Nothing that I attempt to make/create on pintrest will ever turn out like it should. Even if the process is running smoothly


14.) Most people don’t eat Oreos the way they show them eating on the commercials

15.) Sriracha doesn’t taste good on all things, just most things

16.) XX Hot Cheetos are just too damn good


17.) But eating them with jalapeños and nacho cheese will give you an ulcer #stressedgirlproblems

18.) Coffee dependance increases and decreases  periodically during a lifetime

19.) If your life isn’t dramatic/terrible enough to be on the Dr. Phil show, then you’re doing something right.


20.) Cooking is easy! You just have to attempt it more than once.

21.) DIY projects are the bees knees. They are so calming and allow you to be inventive :] Don’t beat yourself up if they get screwed up.

22.) Fixing things that are broken, reusing, and re-purposing things around the house comes with it’s own special sense of satisfaction

23.) Give electronic dance music (EDM) a chance. You may like it!

24.) Give up soda drinking NOW! Dear god! Perrier makes a healthier, way more bubbly and awesome alternative.


25.) Marijuana ain’t so bad ❤

26.) Neither is a nice white wine 😉


27.) Losing your car keys with no spare is one of the biggest hassles to deal with EVER, not to mention expensive. Just get a lanyard. *Cough cough, Nick*

28.) College is hard and nobody cares about your issues/problems/money/relationship status

29.) Rasism against white people exists. I knew it existed, but damn, some people really f*cking hate us..

30.) There is a State school in Los Angeles, called Cal State LA. I thought it would be cool and decided to attend school there. I was wrong. But at least now I know how to twerk dat ass and I know a lot about anthropology, too 🙂

31.) Alcohol is full of calories. Don’t fool yourself!

32.)  Grocery shopping and going out tot eat will (roughly) end in the same price. The grocery store is way healthier for you, but damn, it’s expensive.

33.) You shouldn’t become an “exotic dancer” unless you literally have ZERO options and are in a horribly tight bind. It is NOT a permanent job and you will hate yourself if you do it for a long time.

34.)  Have fun with your marinades when making chicken, they open doors for you meal-wise.

35.) Utilize simmer sauce when needing a quick, yummy and healthy meal. Add cilantro for freshness!


36.) Dogs make life better.

37.) So do cats, but they don’t usually hug you back :/

38.) Shit-zus are super chill dogs! & They look awesome in sweaters. (This dog seems stoked! :])


39.) Life without internet in an unfortunate one. #geekprobz

40.) Most of your favorite TV shows are either on Youtube.com, tubeplus.me or projectfreetv.com. Watch away!

41.) Freelance blogging is fun!

42.) Get gas at nighttime or early in the morning, warmth of the ground causes the gas to evaporate and then you don’t get as much into your tank! #lame

43.) Traveling on the 405 or the 10 between 4-7 pm is just a horrible idea. #LAprobz

44.) Starbucks is literally the biggest waste of money on this earth. But I love it

Stop smiling at me while you take my hard earned money dammit. Jk

Stop smiling at me while you take my hard earned money dammit. 

45.) Hanging art on the walls is an easy way to decorate an empty room, hit up a thrift store and look through their stashes! I swooped up two really cool paintings the last time I was there, one of a perched lion on a rock and one of a cheetah on a tree with badass matching gold frames.

46.) Exercise extreme caution with all of your tan shoes, they will still get dirty even though they’re the color of dirty (especially uggs!)

47.) Living with a significant other is hard. You might fight. A lot. Just remember you want to live together and intertwine your lives because you love each other.


48.) Oh yeah, and give oral sex to your partner sometimes. It’s nice thing to do 🙂

49.) Forever 21 clothes will fall apart on you, keep them in as good condition as possible

50.) Urban Outfitters clothes on the other hand, at least for me, last and hold up really well

51.) Looking for jobs sucks

52.) AnchorMan Two sucks! Coming from a San Diego native, too -_-

53.) And, just so you know, the bear pit from AnchorMan (The original) is nothing like the real bear pit at the San Diego Zoo. In SD, there’s barley a pit at all. The bear is just barricaded by black chain-link fences and stone walls.

54.) If you have a ridiculous sweet tooth that won’t stop bothering you, go back to the 1st grade and freeze some lemonade in an once tray with a toothpick sticking out. It works to stop the cravings, plus theres like a million of them to eat, super low-cal! Go crazy with it.

55.) You will always have that love/hate relationship with Miley Cyrus.

You: Miley is such a slut

Friend: At least she does what she wants and is #unapologetic! Plus she totally rocks the flat chest.

You: True……bitch

Ugh bitch... Love u tho <3

Ugh bitch… Love you though like so much ❤

56.) Utilize groupon! It saves money on stuff like going out to eat massages/spa packages, mini vacays, etc.

57.) Don’t resist change, embrace it!

58.) There’s literally NOTHING wrong with online dating, those who discourage the use of it are insecure [I always say] lol.

59.) Bed is heaven.

60.) Life is never as horrible as it may seem

61.) Look into your own closet for new outfits. I PROMISE, you’ll be surprised. It’s like a whole new world of clothes if you can figure out some new ideas! Plus it kinda feels like you just went shopping. For free. #yay

62.) Two Buck Chuck (cheap trader joe’s wine) is a must for those who are broke but still like to think of themselves as fancy (like me hehehehe)


All of these bottles are $2 each! 🙂

63.) Buzzfeed is the ultimate time-passer when you’re in class. Check it out!

64.) Chipotle ❤

65.) Without my Raybans I am nothing. Actually just sunglasses in general.


So, can you relate to me? Or do you just think I’m dumb 😛

Let me know!



xoxxoxo Giulia

15 Things I Don’t Have Time For (Inspired By a Jenna Marbles Vid.)

1.) People who don’t put the little stick down on the conveyer belt at the grocery store check out when they have two items, and you have a full shopping cart that you’d like to unload.

2.) Forgetting my phone charger at work. That’s always unfortunate.

3.) Going to the gas station. Okay, I know, I sound like a brat. But seriously! You put your card in the machine and half the time you have to go inside because the stupid gas pump thing didn’t read your card, then you have to stand outside in the cold while creepy guys in weird cars drive by and stare at you (Well, I live in East LA.) And of course whenever you’re in a hurry to get gas there’s almost ALWAYS a wait and stupid people in line reversing and all this random stuff to get a pump. Nope, nobody got time fo’ dat.

4.) Muffin (my Ihasa apso/shitzu/terrier mix) waking me up at 4am because he needs to go to the bathroom when I took him out at midnight. Nope, go home Muffin, you’re drunk.

5.) Fighting with the boyfriend about irrelevant issues. UGH sometimes I wanna shoot myself in head with the idiotic things we chose to fight over. EX: I drive to see you more than you do! You live at home and you always want to have sex, what am I supposed to do! Fuck in the car! No! Etc. etc….Nope, Nick I don’t have time for that. Kidding you’re the best.

6.) People that ride your butt on the freeway even when you’re going like 90 miles an hour (this happens in LA a lot!) Like number one that’s extremely dangerous, number two you’re just an asshole.

7.) Cocky people. I saw this episode of Dr. Phil where the guests issue was that a woman’s husband wants her to look more like Beyonce when he looks like a chimp. GTFO. Literally nobody has time for you and your idiotic selfies k thnx ❤

8.) My boyfriends morning alarm clock that goes off at 5 AM, and then every 15 minutes after that until he gets up. The alarm noise sounds similar to one that would occur when somebody breaks into a warehouse. In short it sucks and scares me when I’m sleeping.

9.) The Westboro Baptist Church. Fuck them. If you don’t know about them educate yourself here.

10.) People that don’t like my dog. Plain and simply, if you don’t like my dog and you can’t appreciate his underbite you’re excused  because I certainly do not have time for you. I’ve stopped seeing guys before because I felt like they didn’t interact with my dog like they should have. Lol.

11.)  Coming home from work and realizing that you forgot to put your sheets in the dryer before you left. All you want to do is lay in bed. Urghhhhhhh

12.) The Maury Show or Jerry Springer. Does anyone actually watch these shows? There’s only so many paternity tests one can watch before the story always feels the same no matter what.

13.) Shaving my legs. I hate shaving my legs 😦 But I love having silky smooth skin. Ah, in the words of Blanche Devereaux, “That’s the trouble with being beautiful, the maintenance will kill you.”

14.) People that use their government provided student financial aid on items that are not school related. Ex: New shoes, gaming systems, clothes, cars, etc. You think you deserve presents because you work so hard? HA. That’s literally laughable. The people that deserve gifts are the ones holding down a job or two or even three and are still going to school. You’re getting free college, therefore you don’t deserve shit. #sorrynotsorry #minirant #collegeprobs

15.) People that do not control their children in crowded places. Okay, if I’m in the grocery store and standing in like to check out, and YOUR kid runs into ME and you mutter obscenities in spanish under your breath because you think I ran into your child you’re a fool. Watch and control your fuckin’ kids. (Real life story.) Lol